
Women-only aroma massage by male therapist 

Tokyo's excellence

Mainly in Tokyo (Shibuya, Ikebukuro, Akihabara, Asakusa, Kawasaki, Kamata, Kinshicho, Funabashi, Chiba), we perform female-only aroma massages by male therapists on business trips.

◼︎Recruitment of video models◼︎
T's excellence is currently looking for video models to confirm the procedure. Aroma massage fee for 90 to 120 minutes and hotel fee are free. I will cover my face with a towel, so I won't be able to see your face. Please feel free to apply. I will keep it confidential.
◼︎Recruitment of monitors◼︎
We are also looking for monitors to confirm the procedure. Aroma massage for 90 to 120 minutes is free. Please pay only for the hotel fee. Please feel free to apply. I will keep it confidential.
For all of the above, the BMI is up to 23.
© 2024 男性セラピストによる女性専用アロママッサージTokyo's excellence

✉️  ts.excl17@gmail.com

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